Retirement doesn’t always mean relaxing on a beach or by a pool. For seniors who dread an empty schedule, homesteading retirement in Council Bluffs and the surrounding area could be the perfect solution. However, many interested seniors don’t know where to start. Here are some tips to help you figure out if homesteading is right for you and get started on your journey towards the perfect retirement.

Who Should Homestead?

Before embarking on a homesteading lifestyle, it’s important to evaluate if it feels like a good fit for your retirement plans. While homesteading doesn’t require complete self-sufficiency, it does involve reducing reliance on outside resources as much as possible. This typically involves growing your own food through gardening and livestock care.

Homesteading in Council Bluffs and the surrounding areas such as Bellevue, Carson, Glenwood, and Tabor can be both advantageous and disadvantageous for retirees due to its significant physical nature. On the positive side, the physical exercise involved in homesteading can contribute to maintaining good health in the long run. However, if retirees have pre-existing health conditions or develop them later on, the physical demands of homesteading, particularly on a large plot of land, can become overwhelming. Despite this, there are methods to make homesteading more manageable, which will be discussed later. Therefore, recognizing the physical requirements of homesteading is crucial in determining whether it is a suitable lifestyle choice for retirees.

Finding Your Property 

Homesteading is no longer limited to rural areas such as those around Council Bluffs, as urban and suburban farming has become increasingly feasible thanks to technological advancements. Additionally, sustainability has become a growing concern, resulting in more neighborhoods permitting homesteading features like backyard chicken coops.

Check out the available properties on the market and envision how you would set up your homestead. Keep in mind options such as greenhouse growing, vertical gardening, and hydroponics. These techniques can significantly increase your ability to grow the foods you desire in smaller spaces or non-ideal environments. It is crucial to check the zoning rules before finalizing a decision, as some neighborhoods have restrictions that may prevent you from achieving your goals.

Meeting Your Physical Abilities 

When considering homesteading in your golden years, it’s important to choose a job that is sustainable in the long run. A large property with extensive gardens may not be manageable without hiring additional help. It’s best to think smaller and choose a job that you can handle on your own.

Alternative gardening methods can be very helpful for seniors, especially vertical gardening. This method allows for a significant amount of crops to be grown in a smaller space, making it more manageable for seniors to tend to. Combining vertical gardening with a greenhouse or hydroponics system can ensure that crops can be grown all year round, regardless of the weather. This way, seniors can enjoy homegrown foods throughout the year.

Homesteading can be a fulfilling retirement option for those who desire it. However, it is crucial to develop a practical and sustainable plan to make the most of it. Living off of one’s own land and hard work can be empowering, making it a worthwhile consideration for those seeking a satisfying retirement.

Visit our blog every week for more real estate advice and local information about Council Bluffs and surrounding areas. Does your current home still suit the needs of your family? Maybe it’s time to upsize into something that fits your growing needs, or downsize to something more suitable?  If you’re ready to make a move, let’s be sure to connect. You can contact me at 402-981-6999 or email me at [email protected]