As the market has shifted and is different than only a few months ago, it is important for sellers to take the time upfront to prepare their home for the market. You want to make sure you have a solid plan to make the best first impression and get the greatest return on most likely your largest investment.

Previously, sellers weren’t needing to make home improvements of virtually any kind before entering the market, but that is not the case today. Here are some simple tips to follow:

  1. Be sure to thoroughly clean and declutter each and every room so it sparkles and shines and showcases the space. A well-organized and decluttered room will make a room look larger as well.
  2. A fresh coat of paint and new flooring where needed makes a room look brand new.
  3. Are your faucets leaking or outdated? Replacing them is a cost-effective way to update your bathroom or kitchen.
  4. Replace broken switch plates, door handles, and cabinet hardware.
  5. Pay attention to your front porch. Make it a welcome entrance for your home buyers. A well-placed Fall plant, wreath, welcome mat, or seating area creates great curb appeal.
  6. Ensure your lawn is cut, leaves are raked, and gardens & shrubs are looking clean.
  7. Stage your home to highlight its best features, create an easy and open traffic flow and allow buyers to envision themselves in the home.
  8. Make sure your home is clean and tidy at all times, so you are ready for a last-minute showing.
  9. Lastly, work with your agent to price it right. This can’t be stressed enough.

Partnering with the right local real estate professional is the key to listing your home to be SOLD! A local expert who understands the current market, your neighborhood, and your home is critical to the success of the home sale.

My years of experience in the Southeast Iowa and Omaha market lend you the experience and expertise to get your home sold. If you’re looking to sell, remember, serious buyers, are looking for homes right now. If you’re ready to talk, let’s schedule a time.

Rob- 402-981-6999

[email protected]