The holiday season is upon us, and many people will be traveling to see family and friends during this time. It is important to take the necessary steps to protect your home and property prior to leaving. Putting a few extra safety measures in place will allow you peace of mind while you are away so you can truly enjoy your time. Here are our recommendations:

Invest in a Monitored Security System– This is really the best and first line of defense for your home’s overall security. A smart security system allows you to monitor right from your mobile phone.

Pause your Mail Deliveries– If you’ll be gone for only a few days you can ask a friend or neighbor to take in your mail or package deliveries. However, if you’ll be away for an extended period of time, ask the post office to hold your mail.  Be sure to also reschedule any Amazon, UPS, or FedEx deliveries as well. Overflowing mailboxes or packages left on porches are a sure sign that no one is home and can invite unwanted visitors.

Set a Timer for Electronics– You can keep your home looking “lived-in” while you are away by setting some of the lights in your home on a timer. The same can be done for a TV or Radio. This can be accomplished by ordering the timers online and placing them in the regular sockets. Then set them accordingly.

Have a family member, friend or neighbor periodically check your home while you’re away.

Make sure Valuables are Locked in a Safe– Before you leave your home, ensure that all valuables are safely stored in your home safe.

Leave a Vehicle in the Driveway– Instead of leaving all vehicles in your garage, leave one of your vehicles locked in your driveway. If this isn’t possible, you may also consider asking a neighbor to park one of their vehicles in your driveway.  Again, this gives the impression someone is home.

Don’t Post About your Vacation Plans on Social Media– a mistake too often made! As excitement builds around the holidays, family members will post about an upcoming vacation or travel plan to family members’ homes.  This alerts intruders that your home will be empty.  The same goes for posting any photos while you are away.  While we all like to share our wonderful memories of our loved ones, wait until you are back home to share those happy moments.

Lastly, make sure a trusted neighbor has your travel agenda. It’s important that someone close to you in your neighborhood knows the agenda and when to expect you back home. Both for the security of your home and family.

For more helpful holiday hints and real estate information, peruse my Facebook page and website.